AARP’s “All About Accessory Dwelling Units”

AARP has updated their page “All About Accessory Dwelling Units“, which provides very comprehensive information about what ADUs are and the variety of benefits they provide. Included in the content is information about different kinds of ADUs as well as “The ABCs of ADUs”, which includes: Accessory Dwelling Units, Defined ADU Are Good for People of All Ages ADUs Are … Read More

Tiny House Village

A developer in Sonoma County, California is building a tiny house village. The developer says: This village will be structured as something like a co-op. Folks will own their own portable house and the small parcel it sits on, and they’ll pay a set amount per month to maintain the common facilities.

Tiny Homes on the Rise in Portland

Accessory dwelling units, colloquially known as “tiny homes” or “A.D.U.’s,” are becoming an increasingly dominant fixture on the Portland real estate market. Read this article on KOIN’s website.

5 Reasons Why Portland Is a Tiny House Hotbed

Mitch Powell, founder of the Powell Group, was recently polled along with other ADU experts for an article on Portland’s booming micro home market. Read the full article here.